Useful Defence Statistics
Diane Allen OBE
Author | Defence & Business Transformation Lead | Veteran
2023 opportunities to take part - the Inquiry review of progress is now complete. You can read submissions via this link.
The 2021 Inquiry.
The Defence Select Committee launched a #MilitaryMeToo inquiry, chaired by Sarah Atherton MP. It produced the : Women in the Armed Forces: From Recruitment to Civilian Life report.
Sarah was able to arrange for the Secretary of State for Defence to lift the ban on serving personnel speaking to parliamentarians. You can read the background article on Sarah's website. Over 4000 serving women told the committee their thoughts, without their identity being compromised (many serving women had told us they feared career damage if they spoke out without anonymity).
There were opportunities offered for written, oral and panel evidence - men, women, family members, civil servants serving in defence and of course serving and veteran women. It included a survey and submissions of individual experiences. Over 4000 women took part. Charities submitted their experiences. MPs also contributed by speaking to witnesses and challenging defence on progress.
For all the women and men who contributed directly through this website, a joint report was submitted and I gave oral evidence to the defence select committee. The report was released in July 2021.